Team Coaching

Often teams or partners need some help in working more effectively and productively together. Whether this is a leadership team; sibling partners; cross functional collaboration teams or entire single function teams, team coaching can be very helpful in identifying the strengths and challenges and creating a GPS for being more productive, effective and collaborative.
We use DISC assessment tools, our workbook Strategies for Success (2003), and interviews to help you navigate the future which helps teams see how the differences in style and communication could cause miscommunication or conflict. By coaching the entire team we can help the team leverage their strengths instead of focusing on their challenges.
Team Coaching Success Story
A newly merged company was losing productivity due to infighting, turf wars, and miscommunication.
We scheduled an off-site team building retreat followed by regular team coaching meetings during the merger transition.
The team developed a code of conduct, commitment, purpose and results based on faction of a high performance team.
Conflicts decreased; morale and productivity increased.