Next Level Leadership Program / Management Training Leadership Program

Nearly 40% of recruited executives fail, leave or are fired within the first 18 months, costing the company up to 24 times the executive's salary. Instead, we have a much better solution.
Next Level Leadership Program
Our Next Level Leadership Program is a customized leadership development process that helps companies build their existing talent and strengthen their organization from within. The leadership development program teaches leaders the necessary leadership skills and work habits required to drive their company to the next level of success, decreasing the turnover and reducing the hiring cost of leaders. In fact, our program has been credited with creating a 100 percent retention rate of NLLP participants for two years.
Companies that invest in leadership development often become leaders within their industry. Leadership skills must be acquired in order for companies to achieve maximum results. Integrating assessments and management training as well as individual and cross-functional leadership coaching, the Next Level Leadership program helps you achieve your organizational goals by maximizing your leadership capabilities and includes:
- Individual assessments
- Bi-weekly coaching
- Goal development with managers to define success
- 360 and DISC assessments
- 10 Management Training workshops
- Cross-functional team building
Best of all, our Next Level Leadership Program is more affordable than a standard 3-day offsite training program and dramatically more effective. Did you know that most people reportedly forget 80 percent of what they learn at an offsite training session within three weeks? This fact results in a considerable loss of both time and money.
In contrast, our program produces a high return on your investment, proven to result in:
- Increased retention rate amongst important leaders
- Increased morale among leaders and workers
- Increased profitability
- Increased leader performance and success
- Productive and efficient employees and leaders
- Achievement of company and leadership goals
- Increased communication, trust and cross-functional collaboration
- Decreased in lost time
- Focused departmental groups with specific action plans that achieve goals
- Overall behavioral change that creates long-term success
Next Level Leadership Program Success Story
Atlantic Consultants was called into a company to help them with a low retention rate for their key leaders and a serious morale problem in their staff. This company understood that developing their managers was the key to solving these two challenges.
To help them, Atlantic Consultants created a several leadership and management training workshops to specifically address their needs.
Atlantic Consultants was given ten managers with that had been promoted to management level but had no previous management training. The program included 8 customized management training seminars that covered topics such as managing others, change, time management, meeting management and self management.
There was a 100% retention rate for the managers that participated in the 12-month management training program. In addition, 100% of those managers reports were retained during the program.
The company was so pleased with the results that they decided to retain Atlantic Consultants for training for additional levels of management. Since then, Atlantic Consultants has continually been working with this company for the past four years developing their leaders to take their company to the next level of success.